Posted May 23, 2023
Last week, Rotary Club of East Montgomery County's (RCEMC) members heard from Huntsville Rotarian David Standlee. This quarter's focus has been on protecting the environment and providing clean water. Standlee spoke of the numerous water wells dug in Nicaragua through Rotary's sponsorships.
Many District 5910 Rotary Clubs have participated by sponsoring water wells through the Tulsa Rotary Club's "OWN A WELL" Program. Between Texas and Tulsa, Oklahoma, over 500 water wells have been drilled in Nicaragua, providing clean drinking water to underserved communities.
RCEMC Rotary President Suann Hereford thanked Standlee for speaking by donating the children's book "What Color is My World?" by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in his honor to the New Caney Elementary School.