Members of the Rotary Club of East Montgomery County gathered for a lunch filled with fellowship, thought-provoking conversation, and community support. The club welcomed guest speaker Leland Dushkin, CPA, who provided valuable insights during the meeting.
A highlight of the event was the presentation of a donation to Lt. James Guzman of the Salvation Army Corps. The Rotary Club proudly presented a check for $733.18, continuing its commitment to supporting local organizations and uplifting the community.
The meeting concluded with the recitation of the Rotary Club’s Four-Way Test, a guiding principle for members to uphold in all aspects of life: "Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all concerned? Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?" Members also embraced the unofficial addition to the test: "Is it Fun?" reminding everyone of the joy that comes from serving and connecting with others.
This gathering exemplified the club’s dedication to service, integrity, and camaraderie.