Posted September 7, 2023
Order in the court! Or rather in the Rotary luncheon. The Rotary Club of East Montgomery County held its first meeting of September and welcomed Justice of the Peace Jason Dunn as their speaker. A former Houston police investigator and Splendora ISD board member, Jason Dunn has been the Precinct 4 Justice of the Peace since January 2019. Judge Dunn described some of his duties to the Rotary club members, how Precinct 4 is growing, and the increase in court cases. 

President Danell Fields also announced upcoming Rotary events: Undies for All Drive (underwear collections for elementary school nurses), Rotary Spelling Bell on September 21, and Volunteer Day at New Horizons on October 8. 

The next meeting will be September 19 at noon at Oakhurst Golf Club, and the speaker will be Justin Carter, co-owner of Carter’s Country.