Governor Harrell shared Rotary International's President-elect Jennifer Jones's presidential theme, Imagine Rotary. Governor Harrell shared Jennifer Jones' quote, "Imagine a world that deserves our best, where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference." Governor Harrell also explained the Imagine Rotary logo design elements:
For instance, the circle in Aboriginal culture signifies our connections. The dots around it represent people; there are seven because of Rotary's focus areas.
The circle and the dots become a navigation star – our guiding light. The solid line underneath is what is referred to as a digging stick, and it is used when doing hard work. And since Rotary members are people of action – it represents a tool for getting things done.
The colors - Purple stands for polio eradication, green for the environment, the newest addition to our areas of focus, and white for peace, our core mission.
Governor Harrell reminded members of becoming a Polio Plus Society Member. These members commit to contributing $100 or more each and every year to Polio Plus until the world has been declared free of the Wild Polio Virus. This is our commitment to fulfill the promise Rotary made in 1985 to immunize all the children of the world.
At the luncheon, Governor Harrell also inducted two new members: Bay Hill and Sheree Walker, both from Splendora ISD, and helped present Jose Diosdado with a Paul Harris Fellow award. Club President Hereford also presented Governor Harrell with a book, The Lemonade Club, by Patricia Palacco, to be donated in her honor to the library at New Caney Elementary School.